Download Template Blogger Magazine Responsive SEO Friendly Gratis

Flat Mag - Template Blogger Magazine Responsive SEO Friendly Gratis
Kali ini saya akan share template Gratis yang sangat bagus, yaitu Flat Mag Blogger Responsive Template, Template ini sangat cocok untuk blog berita, entertainment, multimedia atau teknologi dengan style magazine yang memberrikan kesan profesional pada blognya dengan navigasi yang mudah untuk para pengunjung blog. Template ini dibagikan gratis akan tetapi anda DILARANG KERAS menghilangkan kredit link pada template, jika anda ingin menghilangkan kredit link maka anda bisa membeli template ini yang premium dengan harga 30$ saja. Ok langsung saja mari kita lihat bebrapa kelebihan pada Flat Mag Template ini.
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Flat Mag - Template Blogger Magazine Responsive SEO Friendly Gratis

Features of Flat Mag Responsive Blogger Template

  • Responsive Design:It has responsive design which automatically fits different resolutions i.e. iPad, iPod, Android and etc. (Try resizing the page of your browser and see the magic). This theme is coded so perfectly that it is highly responsive in even Internet Explorer.
  • Breadcrumbs: The most amazing widget we have in this template is Breadcrumbs for humans. It has nothing to do with SEO. The breadcrumbs would only display parent categories of the article so users can easily search your site in depth.
  • Sticky Header with Drop down Menu: In this theme, we have used “Sticky” drop down menu, but a lot of users demanded for a Multi Drop Down menu which could work on three different sub levels. Keeping that in mind, we have added a “Sticky”, Multi-level Drop down menu in this theme. On the top of that the header of this theme is also sticky.
  • Author Bio Widget: The next new thing, which we have added in the template, is the “Author Bio” widget that appears in each and every post. Anyone can customize it, according to their needs. Keep in mind it is not for multiple authors.
  • Featured Label Posts: Just like our previous themes, we have also added a featured post display in this theme, which gives a user the flexibility to easily display posts through a certain Label on home and archive pages. To learn how to install this feature, kindly check the guidance below.
  • More Features: Back to Top button, 4 columns Footer, 3 columns Template, Threaded commenting system, related posts, Ads ready, SEO Friendly and much more.
  • 51 Responses to "Download Template Blogger Magazine Responsive SEO Friendly Gratis"

    1. Wah bagus gan,bisa jadi pertimbangan buat template blog saya

    2. mantep nih , udag seo , responsive tapi sayang masih berat kayaknya , tapi gpplah buat koleksi , ijin download gan :)

    3. bagus sih gan, tapi warnanya kurang menarik hehe

    4. Dari fitur yang ada template ini memikat hati saya untuk Meng-Unduhnya apalagi setelah melihat demonya..

    5. sudah saya download, makasih. akan dicoba diblog saya yang lain. salam kenal gan

    6. Templatenya bagus dan keren sekali mas, template responsive memang sekarang masih banyak dicari oleh para pemblogger dan dengan ada mastah yang share sehingga memudahkan pemblogger lain untuk tinggal memakainya. trims sharingnya.

    7. makasih atas

    8. wah theme nya bagus mas, makasih mas sudah di share

    9. Templatenya bagus & free pula..terima kasih ya mas


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